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Investigating Paranormal Anomalies Research Centre


Investigating Paranormal


There are a number of ways in which you can protect yourself against negative forces and I would recommend you practice these exercises as a means of managing a paranormal situation.

Embrace the Light:

Imagine you are being wrapped in a blanket of positivity and goodness. Imagine the light of life beaming out of you as though you were a star.

Offer Peace and Blessings:

Offer peace, love and blessings to the room. Do not give fear, anger or any other negative emotion. Give only positivity and remember that light always triumphs over darkness. This light is inside of you.

Anchor Yourself in the Present:

State the current date out loud and clearly state that the space that you are in is yours – it belongs to you and you control it. You have agency and you have power over present circumstances. Silence echoes from the past by vocally acknowledging the age you are living in.

Issue a Command:

Say out loud “we are all commanded by the light and we must all go to the light”. Be careful not to utilise any religious terminology, unless you are a true and devout believer, as this will not be effective unsupported by true faith.

Call Out to Loved Ones:

If appropriate, appeal to the spirits of loved ones who have gone before. Ask for protection and power. Ask that they defend you against attack. Departed family and friends who you remember fondly never really leave you. They remain as part of you, your living memories and, as such, can be called upon at any time for loving protection.

The Power of Life:

Visualize the sun shinning brightly and plants growing from the ground. Visualize birds in the trees singing and fish swimming in crystal clear streams. Visualize dogs running through fields and horses galloping across meadows. Create a vivid picture in your mind that epitomizes the vibrancy of nature and life for you.

Listen to Spiritual Music:

Music can have a cleansing quality. Chanting, hymns, or other types of uplifting spiritual music can change the energy in a particular space, bringing peace and calm where disturbances have occurred.

Some items to use


Crystals, Black Tourmaline and Obsidian

Sage Stick Wands

