JUNIOR I.P.A is designed to do just that, introduce the idea of Spirits in a fun way to eliminate fear and to give a better understanding, give young people confidence and strength to deal with the paranormal better. Junior I.P.A does that through easy to learn activities and knowledge.
With years experience in the youth sector we have the resources necessary to help with this and to understand the youth and with patience. With Halloween coming up it's a great time to start, use dress up and accessories with activities, check out our weekly spooky activities and the upcoming Halloween activities.
Your child has the ability to stand up for themselves in the spiritual world, and you have the ability to show them how.
Many of you out there have Paranormal activity going in your home that is based around your children seeing spirits, & many of you want to know how to handle this situation. I hope you find the following information helpful...
Almost all, if not all, children can see, hear, and communicate with Spirit.
This is because we’re all born into this life as a Spirit first, into a physical body. And when you’re not so far removed from pure-Spiritdom, your spiritual senses are still very much intact.
Which means, that as a child, you can still see, hear, and feel those in Spirit, because not too long ago, you were just a Spirit too, without a physical body.
It isn’t until we get older, that we tend to be culturally and socially conditioned out of believing, using, and trusting our spiritual senses and abilities. This happens slowly, through phrases like,
“Oh, your friend is imaginary/pretend, he isn’t real.”
“What man? I don’t see a man, honey, he’s not there, go back to sleep.”
“Stop making things up, that’s not true.”
You get the picture.
But back to the problem - if your child is waking up with nightmares, seeing Spirit, and is scared, what you can do, as a parent, to help them?
As much as I’d love to say that all it takes is a house cleansing with sage, and everything will be fine and the Spirits will leave, it’s not that easy.
It has to do with setting boundaries - not you, your child.
Imagine that your child goes to school, and he comes home telling you that he’s being picked on at school and other kids are bothering him. You may contact the teacher, the person supervising your child, but you would definitely also begin to explain to your child the need for standing up for themselves and setting boundaries with other kids.
Even if you were there as a parent, in the moment of bothering or unfairness, you could step in, sure, but at some point - your child will need to learn how to say, “Hey, I was playing with that and not done with it, don’t take it, leave me alone.”
That’s a boundary in the physical world.
The same types of boundaries need to be set in the Spiritual world.
Let’s say for example, you went over to that other child and you told them to stop treating your child poorly, they may agree - but behind your back, when you aren’t there, they can technically do anything they want until your child puts their foot down and stops it.
The thing is, your child is their own being. Physical, Spiritual, and Energetic.
They have their own path and their own journey, they are connected to Spirits that we aren’t and they have their own Guides and Angels. They have an existence that includes you and is also separate from you.
They have a whole realm of kids of the playground that we’ll never know - and they have to learn how to stand up for themselves out there on their own terms.
What I mean by this, is that if you want Spirits to leave your child alone, you have to teach them how to set their own boundaries to make that happen.
You have to teach them that they have the power to tell the Spirits to leave and to stop it.
For our daughter, a toddler, we’ve started by explaining to her that she can tell them to “get out,” just like she tells our dogs to get out of her room when they bother her. It helps if you too, have started to explore your own intuitive abilities and can sense and detect the presence of Spirit, but this is not necessary. If you notice your child staring at an empty space, trust that it isn’t empty and act!
In our house, we have started asking if a Spirit was bothering her. And if she’s said yes, we tell her that if she wants them to stop, she can tell them to leave and get out. Even as intuitives ourselves, we can't always see the things she sees - in part because she has to learn to deal with it on her own without our interference.
And not long after we started this practice, as I laid her down for a nap - it happened. She saw a Spirit in her room and froze. I walked her through the process, asked her if they were bothering her, and then told her she could tell them to get out, and she did! At even two years old, she repeated, “get out,” several times, and they did.
Now, she has started doing it without me prompting her. On more than one occasion, she's walked into her room and told Spirits emphatically to "GET OUT."
How you do this, and the degree to which boundaries can be set, of course, depends on the developmental readiness of the child and your own parenting style. At this point, you can’t exactly sit down with a two-year-old and have them make a list of when it is and is not acceptable for a Spirit to visit them, but you could do that with a 4-year-old. You could also teach them a song to keep the bad Spirits away.
With an older child, you have the ability to work with them to set firmer boundaries for themselves. If they don’t want Spirits in their bedroom or in their dreams at night, they can tell them so - ahead of time. And when they wake up at night, they can tell them to leave then too. As parents, our jobs are to mold our children into strong, independent, and confident beings, to the best of our ability. This includes all things physical world, but it extends to the spiritual world as well.
If you have children it is well worth a read...........!
Night Terrors also known as sleep terror, is a sleep disorder, causing feelings of terror or dread, and typically occurs during the first hours of stage 3-4 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Night terrors tend to happen during periods of arousal from delta sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep. During the first half of a sleep cycle, delta sleep occurs most often, which indicates that people with more delta sleep activity are more prone to night terrors. However, they can also occur during daytime naps.
Night terrors have been known since ancient times, although it was impossible to differentiate them from nightmares until rapid eye movement was discovered. While nightmares (bad dreams that cause feelings of horror or fear) are relatively common during childhood, night terrors occur less frequently according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The prevalence of sleep terror episodes has been estimated at 1–6% among children, and at less than 1% of adults. Night terrors can often be mistaken for confusional arousal. Sleep terrors begin in children between the ages of 3 and 12, and usually dissipate during adolescence. In adults, they most commonly occur between the ages of 20 to 30. Though the frequency and severity vary between individuals, the episodes can occur in intervals of days or weeks, but can also occur over consecutive nights or multiple times in one night. Night terrors are a largely unknown phenomenon. This has created a situation in which any type of nocturnal attack or nightmare may be confused with and reported as a night terror..
Children Who See and Hear Ghosts
This research study was conducted in order to better understand the abilities children have to see and hear ghosts. The study was based on children from the age of new-born all the way up to 11 years old. The child study was conducted so that we can better understand the abilities to communicate with ghosts, that several children possess. When researching this subject several different aspects were taken into consideration in order to study children how see and hear beings from the other side.
These different view points included looking at the ages of which children begin seeing or hearing ghosts as well as taking a looking at what age they begin losing that ability or developing it further. In some cases children do not lose the ability to communicate with ghosts, but they continue expanding their abilities as they get older. In others, the child completely loses their abilities due to many key factors that come into play in the child’s life. Also in a majority of the cases children are seeing full body apparitions in human form and typically the family begins noticing this when the child begins learning how to walk/speak. In the end I found that most commonly children are seeing and communicating with deceased loved ones and the abilities seem to dissipate around the age of five. It is believed that some children are born with the ability to see and hear ghosts.
It seems though as time goes by and the child gets older, they seem to lose the ability to communicate with the other side. There are many reasons why children begin losing these abilities. One proposed reason is because it seems that many children who can see and/or hear ghosts, are discouraged from talking of such things by their parents or other family members, and telling the child that it is only their imagination. Overtime the child begins to ignore their abilities because they are taught that it is in their head, rather than encouraged to develop their abilities further.In other situations it is also believed that something happens in the child’s mind which basically shuts down the area of the mind that allows a child to see/hear ghosts. This can happen as they get older, usually between the ages of five and eleven years old. Another reason some children may have the ability to communicate with ghosts, is due to near death experiences or major injuries that trigger something in the human mind to open up to these abilities.
Some also believe that when children are born, because they have just crossed over from the “other side” they are close to others from that realm and therefore can more easily see them and possibly others from the other side have stepped into this realm of existence to visit that child or protect them. As the child gets older it is possible that their guardians or other spirits from the other side no longer feel that the child needs them and is ready to be on their own, therefore the child stops seeing them or loses the abilities to communicate with the other side.